Super Neat: Paper Snap at Wolves

Well hi there! Here's a post about an exhibition at Wolves by Jo'burg-based design duo Paper Snap. 

I've been following these guys on Behance for a while now, and really enjoy their playful silkscreen and letterpress work. To be honest, I was expecting a bit of same-same-ness from this exhibition - a lot of the work I've seen from these guys is cute, but almost all chunky and colourful.

All that considered, I was pleasantly surprised by the variety of work on display. The signature style was there to be sure, but the level of detail and "daintiness" in some of the prints on show added a maturity to their work that I hadn't spotted before.

Once again, my apologies for the potato-quality phone photography. 

I identify strongly with these fuzzy legs... because reasons.

The subtle overlap in the fill and line on this one creates such great texture!

I like the level of attention paid to each little hair on those ridiculous ears.

This food truck print makes me wish it was November already so I could be slurping boozy slushies and artisanal tacos at the Mieliepop Festival.


A surprising amount of depth for a three-colour print! This is just lovely. 

The exhibition ends on the 13th of December, so you still have time to catch it. Hurry up!